Announcements 28th August 2016

Sunday 28th August

11.00am Morning Worship Sermon: ‘How would you spend your last days?’ 2nd Kings 2 v 1-18 Rev George Moore

7.00pm Evening Worship Sermon: ‘The Kinsman Redeemer’ Ruth 4 v 13-22 Rev George Moore


Discipleship Events

COMMUNICANTS CLASS: Thursday 1st September at 7 pm in the Minister’s Room. If you are interested, please contact Rev Brice.

MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDY will recommence on Wednesday 8th September at 7.30 pm in the Burney Room.


Organisation Notices

Organisation Leaders please leave a note of your start up date (in writing in the property convenor pigeon hole in office ASAP), so heating can be arranged.

The Book Club choice for September is The History of Love by Nicole Krauss. Join us in Mosaic for a lively discussion of the novel on Friday 2nd September at 7pm.

THE SUNDAY CLUB  will be resuming on Sunday 4th September beginning at 11.00 am in church and finishing at 12.15 pm in the McKinley Hall.  All primary school aged boys and girls are welcome to come along and have fun learning about Jesus.

PARENT AND TODDLERS recommences 8th September at 10.00 am. All Parent and Toddler helpers to meet 1st September at 9.00 am to prepare and clean toys for the commencement of this new session. Lunch at 12 noon at the manse.


For full announcement sheet: 28th August 2016