Announcements 24th April 2016


Sunday 24th April

11.00am Morning Worship Sermon on Eldership ‘Electing Elders in PCI’ Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: God wins Sermon: ‘Introduction’ Scripture: Revelation 1 Rev David Brice


Discipleship Events 

Mid Week mission focus: Leprosy Mission, Wednesday 27th April at 7.30pm in the Burney Room.


Leadership Events  

KIRK SESSION meeting after this morning’s service in the Burney Room.

Discipleship Subcommittee meeting Tuesday 26th April at 7:30pm in the Minister’s Room.


Organisational Notices

 Thursday Together: We are privileged to welcome members of the PARKINSON’S U.K. COMMUNITY CHOIR to entertain us this week.  We meet at 2.30pm on Thursday 28th April, in the Burney Room and you will be welcome to join us.


Church Notices

PRESBYTERIAN CHILDREN’S SOCIETY: Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration for 150 years. Tuesday 10th May 2016, Assembly Buildings, Belfast. The event is open to anyone in our congregation who would like to hear more about the Society’s work. A light lunch will be served after the service. Anyone interested please give your name to Cecil Robinson by Wednesday 27th April, so that he can inform them of numbers for catering purposes.

A Chance to Serve: Could you welcome members of the congregation and visitors at the front door on a Sunday? A smile, a handshake and a cheerful ‘Good Morning is really all that is needed – for one month of the year. If you would like to be involved on the welcome team, please speak to Gareth Lenaghan or Kerry Newman.


Forthcoming Mosaic Events

Mosaic Gardening will next meet on Friday 29th April 10 to 11am. All welcome.


For full announcement sheet: 24th April 2016