Announcements 28th February 2016

Sunday 28th February

11.00am Morning Worship Guide Thinking Day

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: To all God’s Holy People. Sermon: ‘Working Out our Salvation’. Scripture: Philippians 2 v 12-18 Rev David Brice


Organisational Notices

Sunday Club:  There will be no Sunday Club today due to the Guide Thinking Day Service.  Sunday Club will resume next week (Sunday 6th March) at 11.00 am.


The Walking Club will meet on Wednesday, 2nd March at 9.30 am in the Burney Room. We will go on a mystery walk!  All are welcome to join us.

Thursday Together: This week our special guest will be the Rev. George Moore whose subject will be ‘My Life Story’  You will be welcome to join us in the Burney Room at 2.30pm.


10.30am in Glengormley Methodist Church with Ashgrove Primary School Choir

8.00pm in Carnmoney Parish Church with Rev Carol Harvey


Church Notices

PRESBYTERIAN HERALD is available for collection from the library corner.

24/7 PRAYER WEEKEND: 11th – 13th March. Sign up sheet in Mosaic.

There will be  a short meeting for catering team A after this morning’s service.

April Newsletter:  The cut-off date for all items to be with Frank Murray is next Sunday. It is planned for District bundles to be ready for collection on the following Sunday 13th March, thus allowing two weeks for delivery before Easter Sunday.    E-mail:

The Annual General Meeting of the congregation will take place on Wednesday 2nd March at 7:30pm in the McKinley Hall.  The business will include that the congregation consider and, if thought fit, approve indemnity for the charity trustees of the congregation (namely the members of Kirk Session), officers, and those serving in Church committees and authorising, and requesting, the taking out of a suitable insurance policy.

Church Lighting: New lighting has been installed at the front of the church and we are presently learning how to work with it. It will take several weeks of experimentation, please bear with us as we make adjustments.

COATS AND CLOTHING: Please claim any items of clothing left in the church building especially from the coat hooks in the McKinley Hall, by Friday 4th March. Any items unclaimed by this date will be donated to PW clothing appeal.

Mosaic Gardening will meet on Friday 4th March 10-11am. Come along for a cup of coffee and a chat and see a display of spring flowers.


For full announcement sheet: 28th February 2016