Announcements 14th February 2016


Sunday 14th February

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Journey Like Jesus. Sermon: ‘Love Stories’. Scripture: John 11 v 1-16 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: To all God’s Holy People. Sermon: ‘Imitating Christ’s Humility’. Scripture: Philippians 2 v 5-11 Rev David Brice


Discipleship Events

Mid week BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 17th February at 7.30pm in the Burney Room with Mr Sam Black ‘Three Blessings’ (3) The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit


Leadership Events

STATED Kirk Session meeting Tuesday 16th February at 7.30pm in Burney Room. (Agenda available in Ministers Room for those elders who receive hard copy.)

MOSAIC SCHOOL TEAM is up and running (almost) we have 3 volunteers, at least one more would be really helpful. If interested see Amy Hunter.


Organisational Notices

VALENTINE fun night Monday 15th February 2016 at 7.45pm All ages – Male and Female Includes – Beetle Drive, Sing Along, Prizes, Valentine Supper All Welcome

Thursday Together: Our guest speaker this week will be Laura from the ‘ESPERANZA TRUST.’   This charity works mainly in Argentina and is involved with schools.  Laura will give a family history and also display a few crafts.  We meet in the Burney Room at 2.30pm.


Forthcoming Mosaic Events

Sign up for programmes in Mosaic

Heartstart: 26th Februar

How to take a great Photo

Computer Learning Clinic with Phillip McKenna [Tailored learning to meet your needs]

Time Out 4 U! Be Part of it – sign up to come or to help! 1st, 8th and 15th March   10-11.30am. [Volunteers a little bit longer]


Community Notices

Antrim & Newtownabbey Pensioners Parliament: Over 60 and want to make your voice heard on issues like health and social care, community safety and the cost of living? Come along to the Antrim & Newtownabbey Pensioners Parliament on Friday 19th February (10.30am – 3.30pm) in Mossley Mill, Newtownabbey. Register to attend by phoning 028 9031 2089. More info at

For full announcement sheet: 14th February 2016