Announcements 29th November 2015


Sunday 29th November

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Journey Like Jesus. Sermon: ‘Now I see’. Scripture: John 9 v 1-12; 35-41 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: To all God’s Holy People. Sermon: ‘Introduction’. Scripture Philippians 1 v 1-2 Rev David Brice


Forthcoming Events

Friday 4th December – Carols in the Park, leaving from the Christmas Tree, Ulster Bank at 6.30pm

Friday 4th – Sunday 6th December – 24/7 Prayer Weekend

Sunday 6th December – Whitecity Community Carol Service at 6pm

Tuesday 29th December – Family Quiz at 7.30pm


Discipleship Events

Mid week BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 2nd December at 7.30pm in the Burney Room What ever happened to Hell – A study of the Goodness of God. Rev David Brice

COMMUNICANTS CLASS continues on Thursday 3rd December at 7pm in the Minister’s Room.


Organisational Notices

Thursday Together: We are having our Annual Carol Service on 3rd December at 2.30pm in the Burney Room.  Members will be taking part in the Readings and Elaine, together with some choir members playing and singing with us. You will be welcome to join us as we celebrate the Birth of Jesus.


Congregational Notices

24/7 Prayer Room – Friday 4th – Sunday 6th December: If anyone would like a prayer request put in the 24/7 Prayer Room please write your prayer request and put it in the box provided at the library area in the church today.

The rota for 24/7 Prayer Weekend is now on the sign up desk in Mosaic. You know you should be part of this, sign up now.

Christmas Newsletter:  The cut-off date for all items to be with Frank Murray is today.  It is planned to have them and FWO envelopes ready for collection next Sunday. Frank Tel: 028 90832944   E-mail:


Community Notices

Women’s Aid locally have asked Churches to read out this message on White Ribbon Sunday,  to raise awareness of the worldwide problem of violence against women:

The White Ribbon Campaign is an international campaign, which originated in Canada in 1991 by a group of men in condemnation of violence against women, wherever that violence takes place. There are 16 Days of Action globally when men and women together take part in activities to highlight the issue of violence against women and girls and ask all right thinking people to join in their condemnation of this reality. The White Ribbon Sunday being the last Sunday in November falls within these 16 days and is an opportunity for us all to stand together in our collective condemnation of violence against women and girls and offer support for victims. Wearing a White Ribbon is a statement the wearer vows: ‘Never to commit, condone or stay silent about violence against women’.

Thank you for hearing our message.

For full announcement sheet: 29th November 2015