Announcements 20th September 2015


Sunday 20th September

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Journey Like Jesus. Sermon: “A little longer or life everlasting.” Scripture: John 6 v 44-59 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: Values that last. Sermon: “Developing Trust.” Scripture: Proverbs 3 v 1-5 Rev David Brice


Discipleship Events

Mid week mission focus: Wednesday 23rd September at 7.30pm in the Burney Room with Mrs Alison Orr OMF. All welcome.


Forthcoming Events

Friday 25th-Sunday 27th September—24/7 Prayer Weekend—sign up in Mosaic.

Friday 25th September 6pm—Commencement of Christianity Explored

Sunday 27th September 11am —Harvest Sunday—Rev Lee Eagleson

Sunday 27th September 7pm—Harvest Sunday—Rev George Moore

Wednesday 30th September 7.30pm—Pre-communion Service

Sunday 4th October 11am and 7pm—Communion Service

Sunday 11th October 11am—Shoe Box Sunday


Leadership Events

Ministry Committee Meeting 7pm, Monday 21st September in the Minister’s Room. Agenda has been circulated. We hope to keep this meeting to an hour so that those of us who want to go to hear Maud Kells can!

The Discipleship Committee (Grace of Giving) will meet on Tuesday, 22nd September at 7.30 pm in the Minister’s Room.


Organisational Notices

PW OPEN NIGHT – ALL WELCOME. SPECIAL SPEAKER – MAUD KELLS (the missionary who was shot in the Congo) on MONDAY 21st SEPTEMBER 2015 at 8pm in the McKinley Hall Offering on the night will go to Maud Kells.

Thursday Together: This week our members take part in a ‘Reminiscence Day.’   We meet in the Burney Room at 2.30pm on Thursday 24th. All welcome.


Congregational Notices

Christianity Explored – a video course on Christian basics looking at the Gospel of Mark will begin on Friday 25th September at 6pm in Mosaic and will run for 7 weeks. There will be a meal at the beginning of the night. Anyone interested in attending, please sign sheet at sign up desk in Mosaic. Children can attend FoG which will run alongside Christianity Explored.

Points for Prayer (Prayer Handbook): Could anyone who has not yet had an opportunity to pay for their handbook (£2) please see Kerry Newman asap? Thank you.

THANK YOU: Paul Gray, Executive Secretary of The Presbyterian Orphan and Children’s Society would like to thank the congregation for the special Children’s Day collection of £1641.18 The continued generous and encouraging support of the congregation is greatly appreciated.


Church Notices

GRIEFSHARE SUPPORT PROGRAMME: 10 week programme starts on 24th September in Glenabbey Church. See noticeboard in Mosaic for further details.


For full announcement sheet: 20th September 2015