Announcements 28th June 2015


Sunday 28th June 

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Who is Jesus? Sermon: “Our standard to follow.” Scripture: 1 Peter 2 v 21-25 Rev George Moore

7.00pm Evening Worship Communion Rev David Brice


Congregational Notices

Points for Prayer Handbook 2015-16: PCI publish an annual prayer handbook providing a wide range of topics to guide our prayer through the year for various aspects of the wider church. If you would like to see a copy – there is  a handbook in the shelves of Mosaic. The cost for 2015-16 is £2.00. If you have already been receiving a copy – you do not need to do anything. If you would like to order for the first time or cancel an order please speak to Kerry Newman (028 90842995) on or before 12th July 2015. I would encourage everyone to consider using the prayer handbook.

Autumn newsletter:  Please note all items for the newsletter must be with Frank Murray by Sunday 6th September.  It is planned to have district bundles, i.e., newsletter, communion tokens & United Appeal  envelopes ready for collection on the following Sunday, 13th September.  Items received earlier than 6th September would be very helpful.  Thanking you in anticipation.   E-mail:  Tel: 028 9083 2044



Christianity Explored – a video course on Christian basics looking at the Gospel of Mark will be held, beginning 25th September and will run for 7/8 weeks. If you want to  know more speak to either Mathew Horner or Rev Brice.

Click for full Announcement Sheet 28th June 2015