Announcements 8th February 2015

Sunday Services

Today we welcome the family and friends of Mark & Ruth Hewitt to our morning service as we celebrate the baptism of their baby girl.  All are invited to linger after the service and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee in Mosaic.

Sunday 8th February

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Journey Like Jesus. Sermon: The Jealous Arrow. Scripture: John 3 v 22-30 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Studies in Acts Rev George Moore

Sunday 15th February

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Journey Like Jesus Sermon: Taking Jesus at His word. Scripture: John 4 v 43-54 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Rev David Brice


Discipleship Events

Mid-week BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 11th February at 7.30pm in the Burney Room. Regulations for Christian Behaviour – Titus 2 – Rev George Moore

LIFE GROUPS: Details of each of the Life Groups are on cards in a card holder in Mosaic.


Leadership Events

Finance sub-Committee meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th February in the Minister’s Room.

Congregational Committee Meeting Tuesday 10th February at 8pm in the Burney Room.

Advance Notice: Stated Kirk Session Meeting Tuesday 17th February at 7.30pm in the Burney Room.

Close to Home conference Friday 20th March 2015 in Assembly Buildings. A conference for those committed to passing on faith to the young within the covenant community. Rev Dr Stafford Carson, keynote speaker. Further details in Mosaic. If interested in attending please speak in the first instance to Matthew Horner.  Kirk Session would like to support those in leadership to attend.


Organisational Notices

THURSDAY TOGETHER: We will be having an afternoon of ARMCHAIR AEROBICS with Joan Cosgrove, meeting as usual at 2.30pm on Thursday in the Burney Room.

MEN TOGETHER: The rescheduled Bowls night at the Baker Stadium is on FRIDAY 13TH FEBRUARY meeting at the Stadium at 6.45 pm and afterwards for supper. If you intend going please sign sheet in Mosaic and indicate your choice of meal, Chicken and Chips(C), Fish and Chips(F).

PW (Presbyterian Women) next meeting is on Monday 16th February 2015 at 8pm in the Burney Room. Subject: Arab Interest with a special speaker. All Ladies Welcome.

PW  FUNDS: A cheque for £895 has been forwarded to Leprosy Mission. Thanks to all who contributed.

FoG are running a fireside quiz; all answers are nursery rhymes. Sheets are £1 each and are available from Mosaic. 14 prizes have been donated by local businesses. All money raised is for The Bible Society.

TIME OUT 4 U: will run again on Tuesday 24th February, 3rd and 10th March. 10—11.15am. Please speak to Essie Brice for details.


Congregational Notices

April Newsletter:  All items for inclusion to the church newsletter must be with Frank Murray by Sunday 15th March, or earlier please.  It is planned to have the district bundles ready for distributing the following Sunday (22nd March).  Thus allowing elders & committee members two weeks to distribute them before the Easter Holiday.   Tel: 028 9083 2944   Thanking you.

GREETINGS FROM BEATRICE KIBOLO: I received an email from Beatrice earlier in the week:

Hello – Lesley how are you and your family – I hope you are keeping well. Me too I am good in Jesus name. The news is I got a house from the Housing association but it’s empty. Anyway the best thing is I got one, I thank God – He is good. I have to pay my children’s application fees for the visa but I couldn’t afford this (£400 each). God bless, Beatrice    Beatrice has three children, now aged 19, 23 & 25. She is also guardian for her deceased brother’s daughters aged 13 & 17.  Please speak to me if you would like more information. Lesley.


Church Notices

SUMMER TEAMS 2015:  How will you spend your summer? Details on PCI and SU camps and missions are available in Mosaic.

VIP: Volunteers and Interns Programme for 18-25 yr olds. See Mosaic for details.

KIDS BIG DAY OUT: Saturday 25th April, Wellington Presbyterian Church, Ballymena. 1:45-4pm £4 for primary school aged children and their leaders

ROMANIA TEAM: 5-19 August, for 18-25 yr olds. Closing date: 27 February. Details on

DISCIPLE SHAPING CHURCH: Conference for ministers, elders, church staff and leaders to explore how disciple making should shape all aspects of congregational life and witness.



Bricycle’s Challenge raised an impressive total of £6,416.07

International Justice Mission £3,199.63 raised (including gift aid)

The Mosaic Cafe £3,216.44 raised (including gift aid)

Amy would like to thank everyone that supported and donated towards the fundraising.  Amy has signed for the season with a UK team called Team Velosport. Amy now lives in Cheddar (Sommerset, England) for the racing season as she works and races in the British series and northern Europe. Follow Amy on twitter @AmyBrice87. Amy has appreciated all the interest and support shown to her and hope to see you all when she returns in October.


Community Notices

 Give Blood, Save Lives: Methodist Centre, Ballyclare Road, Glengormley, Wednesday 25th February 2-4pm & 5.15-8pm

Fold housing association: Free Housing Support Service for Older People. See notice in Mosaic for details.

NORTHERN IRELAND HOSPICE SHOP: are seeks additional volunteers. Those interested can call into the shop, telephone or email. See notice in Mosaic.


Prayer Diary

Monday 9th February 2015

There are many in our church family who are suffering serious illness. This is a time of worry and uncertainty. Uphold them and their families in prayer. Also remember our ministry team as they diligently visit hospitals and homes providing spiritual support at a time of need.

Tuesday 10th February 2015

Our church committee meet this evening. Give thanks for all who give of their time and talents in the service of our church. May they know Gods guidance as they seek to meet the practical needs of our church within the finances available.

Wednesday 11th February 2015

Pray for the situation in Syria and Iraq where Islamic State have taken control of large areas. Populations that do not share their version of Islam have been terrorised and expelled. It is now winter and the plight of refugees have got worse. Remember them and the aid agencies in your prayers of intersession.

Thursday 12th February 2015

Uplift in prayer those families in our congregation who have suffered bereavements. Remember also our ministry team, elders and wider church family, as they gather round and seek to comfort and support the bereaved.

Friday 13th February 2015

Our Men Together group have organised a bowls evening at the Baker stadium. A wide age range of men will attend this event. Pray that the Lord will use this and similar events to grow Christian fellowship in our church family.

Saturday 14th February 2015

Give thanks that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Sunday 15th February 2015

Pray for our minister, Sunday club teachers, and all who have teaching responsibility in our congregation. May they know Gods leading as they prepare and deliver their messages from the scriptures.