Announcements 16th October 2022


Sunday 16th October 2022

10:30am Rev Reuben McCormick, Harvest – live streamed

6:30pm Immerse

Leadership Notices

CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE  Meeting on Tuesday 18th October at 8pm.

Discipleship Notices

Immerse: What is it? “Immerse” is an eight-week Bible reading programme which seeks to refresh approaches to reading Scripture and deepen faith.
It seeks to do this by encountering the whole of the New Testament in a different translation (NLT) in a format which:

  • removes chapters, verses and sub-headings;
  • creates a more recognisable reading experience with single column text;
  • reshapes the order of the NT to provide a more evenly paced experience for the reader.

Who is it for? The Bible reading programme is open to all church members who will also be encouraged to bring friends who might be interested in reading the Bible for themselves.

When will it take place? The eight-week period will begin in the middle of October and continue through to the middle of December. An outline is indicated below:

October – 16th/23rd/30th; Break; November – 13th/20th/27th; December – 4th/11th. Each session will begin with tea, coffee and cake at 6:30 on Sunday evenings.

Organisation Notices

PW (Presbyterian Women) Meeting  is on Monday 17th October 2022 at 2:00pm in Mosaic. ALL LADIES WELCOME. Special Guests Edgar and Sandra McKinney.

Church Notices

Project Romania are working with Roma people and Ukrainian refugees. They are still desperate for coats, but also linen, toothpaste and T shirts. If anybody is keen to make draw string toiletry bags they would be very grateful. The toothpaste, T shirts and toiletry bags are for Ukrainian soldiers. Please leave any donations in Mosaic.

For full announcement sheet: 16th October 2022