Announcements 16th January 2022


Sunday 16th January 2022 

10:30am Rev Reuben McCormick – live streamed

Discipleship Events

GPC Zoom Prayer will meet this Sunday evening at 8pm.  If you require the Meeting ID or further information, please contact David Johnston

Leadership Notices

CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE meeting Tuesday 18th January 2022 at 8pm in the church.

Organisation Notices

GLOW continues on Sundays during the morning service. Children and leaders will leave church after the first song and prayer.

YOUTH FELLOWSHIP are meeting this Sunday evening, 16th January, in the McKinley Hall from 7:00 to 8:30pm. It will be running every other Sunday evening.

PARENT & TODDLERS GROUP meet again on Thursday from 10:30am to 12 noon. Registration is available online or forms can be completed on Thursday. We are restricted in numbers due to this pandemic but will endeavour to accommodate as many as possible.

FRIDAY CLUB will  meet again on Friday from 7 to 8pm for all primary school aged children.

Church Notices

Herald Subscriptions 2022: Thankyou for all the renewals – if you’d like to take out a new subscription – £15 per annum for 10 magazines – please let Lesley know

For full announcement sheet: 16th January 2022