Announcements 10th May 2020


Please join us on Sunday morning as we stay at home and link in with our Moderator’s Service at

Church Notices

CHRISTIAN AID WEEK: 10th-16th May: Christian Aid Week gives us an opportunity to celebrate and share the life-saving work Christian Aid undertakes. Unfortunately this year we are unable to have our usual collection at a church service or distribute donation envelopes. Instead this year we are encouraging everyone to donate online using their JustGiving page:  For more updates check their Christian Aid Week webpage:

PRAYER MEETING: Sunday 10th May at 7pm via Zoom. Email:, message our Facebook page Glengormley Presbyterian Church or telephone 028 93352536 for Meeting ID.

LIFE GROUPS: Some of our life groups are continuing to meet for bible study and prayer via Zoom. If you are interested in joining one, please contact us for details.

For full announcement sheet: 10th May 2020