Announcements 9th February 2020


Sunday 9th February

11:00am Morning Worship  Rev Reuben McCormick

7:00pm Evening Worship Mr Ossie McAuley

Discipleship Events

PRAYER MEETING: Sunday 9th February at 6:30pm in the Minor Hall.

MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER MEETING  on Wednesday 12th February at 7:30pm in the Burney Room led by Cecil Robinson.

Leadership Notices

PROPERTY SUBCOMMITTEE Meeting on Tuesday 11th February at 7pm in the Minister’s Room.

FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE Meeting on Tuesday 11th February at 7pm in the office.

CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE Meeting on Tuesday 11th February at 7:30pm in the Burney Room.

KIRK SESSION Meeting on Tuesday 11th February at 8:30pm in the Burney Room.

EMAIL ADDRESSES: All Elders, Committee Members, Organisation Leaders and Life Group Leaders are asked to email the church office ( with their email address so that our contact details can be updated.

Organisation Notices

CREW will meet in the Minor Hall this evening, Sunday 9th February at 6:45pm.

THURSDAY TOGETHER: Our guest speaker this week will be Fraser Agnew, local politician and former Mayor of Newtownabbey.  If you would like to join us you will be very welcome and we  meet in the Burney Room at 2:30pm.

For full announcement sheet: 9th February 2020