Announcements 24th November 2019


Sunday 24th November

11:00am Morning Worship  PW Service

7:00pm Evening Worship  Rev Colin Morrison

Discipleship Events

MID-week Prayer meeting Wednesday 27th November at 7:30pm in the Burney Room led by Rev Bobby Allen.

PRAYER MEETING: Starting on Sunday 1st December 2019 and on the 1st Sunday of each month thereafter,  there will be a prayer meeting in the minor hall from 10:30am-10:45am.  Please come and join us. All welcome

Leadership Notices

KIRK SESSION: There will be a brief meeting of Kirk Session with Vacancy Convenor after next Sunday, 1st December, morning service.

Organisation Notices

CREW: Youth Fellowship meet this evening in Ballyhenry Presbyterian Church with Ballyhenry Youth Fellowship.

PW RECYCLED CLOTHES: Thank you – Total amount raised to date £2770. As this project is finishing at end of December please bring any unwanted clothing and leave in library corner. Thanks PW Mission boxes/donations are now due. Please give to Valerie Raphael ASAP. Thank you. LEPROSY MISSION BOXES are now due. Please give to Rosemary Ruddy as soon as possible.

Thursday Together: The Rev David McCarthy will be our guest speaker this week.  David visited our group last year and entertained us on piano and with songs so we look forward to his return visit.    We meet in the Burney Room at 2:30pm.

For full announcement sheet: 24th November 2019