Announcements 17th November 2019


Sunday 17th November

11:00am Morning Worship Mr Matthew Horner

7:00pm Evening Worship Rev Drew Gibson

Discipleship Events

Mid-week Prayer meeting Wednesday 20th November at 7:30pm in the Burney Room led by Jim Lyttle.

Organisation Notices

CREW: Youth Fellowship meet this evening at 6:45pm in the Minor Hall. Next  Sunday, 24th November, CREW will meet in Ballyhenry Presbyterian Church with Ballyhenry Youth Fellowship.

PW (Presbyterian Women) next meet on Monday 18th November 2019 at 8.00 pm in the Burney Room. Preparation for PW Service. ALL LADIES WELCOME. 

PW Mission boxes/donations are now due. Please give to Valerie Raphael ASAP. Thank you.

LEPROSY MISSION BOXES are now due. Please give to Rosemary Ruddy as soon as possible.

Thursday Together: We are pleased to have Leslie Addis as our guest speaker this week.  Leslie will be telling us all about the state of ‘HOMELESSNESS IN BELFAST.’  We meet in the Burney Room at 2:30pm and you will be welcome to join us.

MEN TOGETHER bowling event planned for Friday 22nd November has been cancelled.

For full announcement sheet: 17th November 2019