Announcements 25th October 2015

Sunday 25th October

11.00am Morning Worship Series: Journey Like Jesus. Sermon: ‘Seeing further’. John 7 v 25-53 Rev David Brice Baptism Baby Hamill

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: Zephaniah – God’s word in Godless Days. Sermon: ‘God’s Goodness’. Scripture: Zeph 1 v 14-18; 2 v 1-3 Rev David Brice


Forthcoming Events

Thursday 29th October –   Mosaic Volunteer Night

Friday 30th October – Church Hooley at 7pm


Discipleship Events

Mid week MISSION FOCUS: Wednesday 28th October at 7.30pm in The Burney Room. Matt Williams (Overseas Board, Malawi)


Leadership Events

REFRESHER TRAINING: We have our Refresher Training confirmed for Monday 23rd November 2015 at 7.30pm in Mosaic. I have emailed Leaders in Charge and there is a list up in Mosaic of those who are due. Please check the list – I’ve included all who would be due even if not in current leadership. Attending training ensures that you can still volunteer. Please indicate on the list if you can attend – if not please indicate which other alternative Refresher date suits you, so that I can inform the Taking Care Office to expect you. We only ask for two hours of your time every three years to complete this important training. Thankyou for volunteering. Lesley Bell

Members of session who normally receive hard copies of minutes, please collect from the Minister’s Room.


Organisational Notices

Thursday Together: The Rev Tom Shaw and his wife Mabel will be the guests at our meeting this week. They will be talking and playing the accordion for a time of singing.  We meet in the Burney Room at 2.30pm.


Congregational Notices

Last Reminder!!! Halloween Hooley – Friday 30th October – 7.00pm.

Come along and join us for a night of fun and entertainment  in the church halls – suitable for everyone from 5 to 75 – and you’re as young as you feel (beforehand anyway!) Apple pie supper. No charge but a small donation on the night will be appreciated. Children should be accompanied by an adult.

Opening/Closing & Car Park Duty: Volunteers are required. Please speak to Mr John Armstrong if you can help. The aim to have sufficient on the rota that it involves only a few Sundays each year.

SUNDAY MORNING TEA AND COFFEE: Opportunity to service. Full training given. No experience required. Speak to David Farrow or Amy Hunter or sign sheet in Mosaic.

Rev Brice will be on holiday leave from Tuesday 27th to Monday 2nd November. Should you require the services of a minister please contact Rev George Moore 02890342832.

A Kindle was found in the kitchen. Please see Rev Brice if it belongs to you.

Poppies are available in Mosaic. Please put a donation in the box provided.


For full announcement sheet: 25th October 2015