17th September 2017
Sunday 17th September
11.00am Morning Worship Series: Prayer & Healing. Sermon: ‘The Way we Speak to God’ Scripture: Numbers 11 v 10-15 Rev David Brice
7.00pm Evening Worship Discovering Jesus. Sermon. ‘Why did Jesus die?’ Rev David Brice
Discipleship Events
MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 20th September at 7.30pm in the Burney Room Series: God the Father. (1) God – life giver. Psalm 8 Rev David Brice
The Brackens Life Group – 7pm Wednesday 20th September. Essential 100 – The Living Word p84-90.
Leadership Notices
Property Sub Committee meeting on Tuesday 19th September at 7.30pm in the Minister’s Room
CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE Meeting, Tuesday 19th September at 8pm in the Burney Room
Organisation Notices
PW recommences on Monday 18th September 2017 at 8.00pm in the Burney Room. Topic: “Sylvia in India”. ALL LADIES welcome to join with us. There will also be a special supper.
PARENT AND TODDLERS recommences at 10am on Thursday 21st September in the church halls. All pre-school children and carers welcome.
Thursday Together welcomes Dr Joe McKee O.B.E. to the meeting this week. Joe grew up in our congregation and went on to further his interest in music, eventually becoming Principal of the City of Belfast School of Music. We are looking forward to renewing friendship with him and hearing more of his life story. We meet at 2.30pm in the Burney Room and we invite non-members to join us.
Church Notices
Rev George Moore is on holiday leave for the next two weeks.
24/7 PRAYER WEEKEND – Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th September in Minor Hall. We would encourage as many people as possible to take part. Please fill in your name and telephone number in the time slot/s that suits you. The sign-in sheet should be at the sign up desk near the front door.
Antrim and Newtownabbey Street Pastors are planning to hold training for anyone interested in joining the team. Training can be taken on Tuesdays in Corrs Corner or Saturdays in Crescent Church, Belfast. We would encourage anyone who is interested in finding out more about Street Pastors to come out on the streets as an observer. To find out more about training or to organise an night as an observer contact our co-ordinator by emailing: newtownabbey@streetpastors.org.uk
For full announcement sheet: 17th September 2017